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Lantern Tours

Visitors to Historic Fort Steuben this October will have the opportunity to have a unique experience at the Fort akin to what the soldiers and settlers experienced during the dark nights on the frontier. In the fall of 1786 at historic Fort Steuben, there was nothing beyond the stockade but dark wilderness. The soldiers and surveyors had only the light of their fires and lanterns in which to keep watch. On October 8 and 15starting at 7:30 pm, a guided after-hours tour will be offered to visitors by lanternlight of the Fort. Participants will learn about the fort, its role in the settling and surveying of the Northwest Territory and what life was like on the Ohio frontier in the late 18th century. The tour will last about an hour and conclude with cookies and hot cider over the fire. Space is limited to 15 guests per evening. RSVP’s are required. Cost for the lantern tour is $10 per person; 12 and under $5. The tour is not recommended for guests under 6. Please call the Visitor Center at 740-283-1787 to reserve your spot today!

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